Ira Robbins; Dan Lombardo; Pete Oneglia; Lilo Stainton

By sfxdotdev

Steve Adubato is joined by Ira Robbins, President & CEO, Valley Bank, to talk about the larger role of banks in helping small businesses, non-profits and the larger community survive in the COVID-19 public health crisis.

Steve Adubato speaks with Daniel L. Lombardo, President & CEO, Volunteers of America Delaware Valley, about the mission of VOADV and the unique challenges the homeless community faces during the COVID-19 public health crisis.

Steve Adubato talks to Pete Oneglia, General Manager and Co-Founder, Insider NJ, about the important role of digital media platforms in informing the public during a crisis and how COVID-19 has impacted voting and the 2020 election.

Steve Adubato is joined by Lilo H. Stainton, Healthcare Writer, NJ Spotlight, to discuss the long-term impact of COVID-19 on healthcare and the evolving role of the media during the pandemic.
